Nithin is playing the hero, while Priyamani is playing the heroine in a film under the direction of Kumar, a protégé of SS Rajamouli, produced by DS Rao, is presently shooting the climax scenes. ‘Drona’ is the title confirmed for the movie. Producer says, ‘The film is coming out in a different way in Nithin’s career and our hero would appear with a different look and style in this flick. Kumar, who worked as an associate for ‘Sye’, is bringing out the movie better than ‘Sye’ and we are sure that it would be a big hit.’ Nithin says, ‘I am very happy to work with Priyamani, who bagged an award at national level, as a first-ever combination’. The film would be released after the release of Nithin’s another flick ‘Hero’. Most possibly the film would hit the screen as a Diwali gift.